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From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU
To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 91 02:00:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SPACE Digest V13 #325
SPACE Digest Volume 13 : Issue 325
Today's Topics:
Re: railguns,superguns
Magnetic projectile launcher
Re: "Follies"
Re: I want to go to orbit...
Space shots on CDROM for AMIGA
Re: More cost/lb. follies
HST update during educator satellite video conference (Forwarded)
Pay as you go/Go as you pay
Re: JPL spacecraft
Submissions to the SPACE Digest/sci.space should be mailed to
space+@andrew.cmu.edu. Other mail, esp. [un]subscription requests,
should be sent to space-request+@andrew.cmu.edu, or, if urgent, to
I am thinking of purchasing a CDROM player for my AMIGA computer, and am generally interested in puchasing the Voyager pictures (and others if they are
available) to view on my Amiga. What stuff is available on CDROM from NASA, and does anyone know if these CDROMs could be read from an amiga compatible CDROM
drive (say XETEC, or CDTV).
I've heard of the Voyager shots being in a format called VICAR. Is
there a viewer available for the AMIGA computer? Or is it just for the IBM.
Could someone port the viewer to the AMIGA? I've also heard that some of the
CDROMs have pictures that are in condensed format. Would I be able to
uncompress them on my AMIGA?
I would appreciate any replies (mail would be ideal).